Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bump update

Wow. Has it really been almost a week since I posted? Sorry. It's been a bit hectic around here. We were at the lake this weekend with some good friends and then just busy trying to catch up before leaving again tomorrow for the big Kale Campout!

Anyway... bump update.

Everything is looking great. I was measuring small, but within normal range so we went ahead and did an ultrasound. No good pictures to share. It was a different tech this time and well... no good photos. Oddly enough, my belly was measuring small, but our little guy isn't little. First time around he was measuring in the 95%.  She did it again because she was so surprised and got it down to the 85%. The ultrasound shows him to weigh about 4 lbs 15oz give or take, but he is at least 4 lbs. AND HE HAS HAIR ALREADY!

It is so weird getting to see so much this time since we only had the one ultrasound with Carter at 20 weeks. The tech was surprised how much hair he had at this stage so, maybe he'll have even more than Carter did..?

We're down to 6 weeks until he makes his scheduled appearance. Let's hope he's on the same page and doesn't want to come early. I'm trying to be ready but keep realizing that I'm missing stuff! Where the heck is the bath thing-y and my boppie? And my baby carrier? I never would have gotten rid of it. Do I need a "nap nanny"? Oh, and bottles. Got rid of those. So much left to do!

Did I mention I agreed to take on a recruitment job at Chris' company to be completed ASAP? Don't laugh. I'm well aware I'm crazy.

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